EWRB: Group course

As a licensed electrical worker, you must complete a competence programme to refresh your knowledge and assess your competence every 2 years. You’ll need to do this before you can renew your practising licence.

You’ll need to complete two e-learning modules before attending a course in person.

Log in to the learning site

Guide to completing the e-learning modules PDF, 98 KB

Make sure you complete the modules and print out a completion certificate before you attend the course in person. You’ll have to take the certificate to with you to confirm that you’ve successfully completed the full programme.

When you attend the course in person, you’ll:

  • get a basic first aid and CPR refresher.
  • be given an update on any relevant current electrical issues & complete a written assessment.
  • do a practical testing exercise.

Group courses are numbers dependent, fill out the enrolment form or get in touch arrange a date that works for you.

For more information contact Vidtech Services or email training@vidtech.co.nz.
